62nd Annual Yamato Koriyama “Castle Festival” – Nara Prefecture

奈良県 お城まつり

Information on tourism initiatives from around Japan! How about an event where you can enjoy both a castle and cherry blossoms? This time, we introduce the “Castle Festival” in Yamato Koriyama City, Nara Prefecture. During the evening hours, lanterns are lit, and you can enjoy the fantastic nighttime cherry blossoms.

1​ 62nd Annual Yamato Koriyama “Castle Festival” Cherry blossoms come into full bloom from late March to early April. There are approximately 1,000 cherry blossom trees at the historical site, “Koriyama Castle Ruins.” During the Castle Festival, around 500 lanterns are lit throughout the castle ruins area from 18:00 to 21:00, creating a spot to enjoy nighttime cherry blossoms. This is one of Japan’s top 100 cherry blossom viewing spots.

Date: March 24, 2023 (Friday) – April 7, 2023 (Friday) Time: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM Venue: Historical Site Koriyama Castle Ruins (Yamato Koriyama City, Nara Prefecture, Jonaicho) Inquiries: Yamato Koriyama City Tourism Association (Non-profit organization)

Official Website: https://www.yk-kankou.jp/newsDetail398.html

Photo: A previous photograph

TabiPocket: https://tabipocket.com/


Nara Castle Festival

Nara Castle Festival

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